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WEEK 1 - The Happy Film Reflection

About this film:

The film is by Austrian graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister documenting the process of finding happiness. He lives in New York, the city of his dreams, and his work is successful. But he did not have a happy life. He often wondered, could he make himself happier? Can he redesign his personality and become a better person? Is it possible to train his mind to be happier?

He turned himself into a design project in which he conducted three controlled experiments of meditation, therapy, and medication, scoring his own happiness index through a graduated glass in the process. It can be seen that meditation and therapy did not help him much in his experiments to obtain happiness, and only drugs were the only effective ones.

Personal thougts on the film?

Actually, Sagmeister wasn't as charming as he thought, which reduced my interest in whether he was happy or not. What interests me is the visual ingenuity in the film. Sagmeister uses various things in different scenes, as well as different typography to show each word. This makes me admire his creativity and imagination. Shaking jelly, exploding water polo, and at the end, a bunch of yellow balloons rise with Sagmeister. Yellow means happiness.

The opening middle title warns,

"The Happy Film will not make you happy,"

and it hints at the end result from the start of the film. After the film, I didn't have too many thoughts, but more regret for him not being able to be happy.

The part I like:

Sagmeister's ex-girlfriend is reluctant to appear in the film. So he used the traditional culture he learned from studying meditation in Bali, Shadow Puppets, to tell his story with his ex-girlfriend in the film. It's a fun and vivid way of showing traditional culture in a modern documentary.

I also love that Stefan Sagmeister shows a lot of unexpected creativity in typography. He cleverly uses all the materials around him to create interesting animated typography.

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